Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wine Cooling System - Entirely Wine - Your source for the right Wine Cooling System!

While I don't drink wine anymore, when I used to I always wished I'd had something like this to keep it at just the right temperature.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Barbecue'n On The Internet - According to Smoky Hale - Smokin' Turkeys

Make your wife happy this Thanksgiving. Use Smoky's recipe and fix the turkey for her. Give her something to be thankful for and have a great tasting turkey at the same time.
Barbecue'n On The Internet Some may think it's a little cold out to still be Grillin but for some of us the season never stops. Check out Barbecuen on the Internet and sign up for their newsletter The Smoke 'N Fire Enquirer

Great Stuff.